About Me

Why a simple kind of life? Well, thats what my husband and I are trying to instill in our family. We are Christians and living a simple life is what God wants for us. I say trying because that is what we are doing. We need to keep that in the forefront of our minds as we go through all the crazy yet unforgettable days a family of four goes through. Life is very busy with a smart and inquisitive four yearold, active, curious, funny 2 1/2 year old and a new baby. As teachers, we enjoy our summers off with our children spending time at the beach, boating or just in our backyard relaxing. We know what and Who is important in this life, but we also can admit that we do enjoy things that don’t really matter like reality TV, good food and my weakness, shopping. All in all its all about balance and keeping God first.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The big day has come and gone

So today was the day Layna was suppose to get her ears pierced.  I hyped it up for months and she was super excited.  I was feeling on edge all day feeling like I was making her grow up too fast.  I know they are only earrings but still the fact that she was going to have holes in her ears really started to bother me.  We arrived at the doctors office and I told Layna that the piercing would hurt a tiny bit. She seemed a little nervous but alright with it.  The nurse came in and started to talk to me about it.  I told the nurse that I would be okay with her talking me out of it.  She said that the first hole she would probably sit still for but the second I would have to restrain her.  She asked if I was ready for that.....I responded....."Nope,  we will come back when shes older."  As we were leaving, Layna said " Layna's ears pierced."  I responded with "No honey, we will come back when your older because it is going to hurt a lot."  She then says "Yep, hurt a lot not a tiny bit." I am so relieved she agrees...LOL.

She can wear stick-ons for now so I can preserve her innocence.

                                   This was taken at the doctors office on Layna's big day!

Friday, December 10, 2010

What to do with this crazy hair!

I had to post about Hunter's hair.  It's crazy!  According to Momma B it will fall when it gets long enough......it is just like his father's at his age.
                                                                        The poor thing!

                                          I don't want to ever forget Hunter looking like this;)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Just like his father

I get a call at work today that Hunter ate 2 pancakes and a snack size applesauce.  Um...he is 8 months old.....WHAT????  Oh and apparently he loved every minute...of course he did MOM....why wouldn't he love stuffing his face.  There is someone else I know that is all too familiar with that;) 

Its been a long time since we posted....Thanksgiving was great.  Hunter enjoyed the food and Layna enjoyed the company. 

The happiest boy on the block

Layna enjoying an apple juice cocktail with Aunt Jackie

We also had Hunter's dedication the week prior which was wonderful. 

Hunter, With the help of God......we promise to raise you in a home where we put God first and serve Him each and everyday.  We have faith that you will grow up to be a Godly man who loves Him with all of your heart.

Hunter with his Godparents
Laine and Chris
  And Halloween.....Layna was a Giants cheerleader and Hunter a Giants Football Player (of course)......he actually looked like a mini football player...kinda crazy. 

 The yearly Christmas photo shoot by Janelle.  This is one of my favorites with my two babes.  They are just too cute.

Friday, November 12, 2010

My loves.

I am so in love with my kiddos.  They are two of the best things that ever happened to me.  I love the interaction between the two of them.  They truly love each other.  I love how excited Hunter gets to see Layna each morning.  I love how happy Layna is to make Hunter laugh or to take care of him.  She loves to feed him, play peek a boo and loves to read to him.  There are a few things that Layna doesn't like about her brother.....she gets so upset when he tries to knock over her piggy bank that's in her bookcase so she tried hiding it behind a book....that didn't work.  She also hates it when Hunter knocks over the dog bowl, pulls the fireplace screen down and takes her toys.  She just starts whining and says "No, Hunter boy." (Typical girl)  Hunter is a crazy baby.  He crawls everywhere, pulls himself up on everything, loves to stand, jump, walk holding onto my hands and loves to play with everything.  I just LOVE this...they are interacting, playing, talking when they are in their cribs, laughing together and just are so much fun.  I feel so blessed to have this life.  Thank you God!

Friday, October 29, 2010

No mess = Happy mommy!

At least I am teaching Layna one thing right.  Last night Layna was eating a yogurt when she said "No mess....happy mommy!"  I was so proud of her at that very moment!  She is just too funny with her neatness also......  After playing outside this summer with bare feet she goes right in the house to wash her feet in the bathtub.  She also has to fix all the rugs that are folded over or make sure nothing is hanging out of her laundry bin (ok, a little OCD).  She likes her stuff organized just like her mommy. She is quite the helper too.  She puts her cloths in the laundry after she takes them off, puts her shoes in the shoe bin, cup in the sink, plate in the garbage after snack, wipes down her place mat and helps put Hunter's diapers in the garbage when I change him.  She is just so adorable.  I can tell my little Hunter is going to be the messy one!

Monday, October 25, 2010

This sums it up!

I got this from a mommy on my mom forum that I belong to.  It totally sums up what we all experience when baby #2 comes into our lives.

Loving Two

I walk along holding your 2-year-old hand, basking in the glow of our magical relationship. Suddenly I feel a kick from within, as if to remind me that our time alone is limited. And I wonder: how could I ever love another child as I love you?

Then he is born, and I watch you. I watch the pain you feel at having to share me as you’ve never shared me before.

I hear you telling me in your own way, “Please love only me”. And I hear myself telling you in mine, “I can’t”, knowing, in fact, that I never can again.

You cry. I cry with you. I almost see our new baby as an intruder on the precious relationship we once shared. A relationship we can never quite have again.

But then, barely noticing, I find myself attached to that new being, and feeling almost guilty. I’m afraid to let you see me enjoying him, as though I am betraying you.

But then I notice your resentment change, first to curiosity, then to protectiveness, finally to genuine affection.

More days pass, and we are settling into a new routine. The memory of days with just the two of us is fading fast.

But something else is replacing those wonderful times we shared, just we two. There are new times – only now, we are three. I watch the love between you grow, the way you look at each other, touch each other.

I watch how he adores you – as I have for so long. I see how excited you are by each of his new accomplishments. And I begin to realize that I haven’t taken something from you, I’ve given something to you. I notice that I am no longer afraid to share my love openly with both of you.

I find that my love for each of you is as different as you are, but equally strong. And my question is finally answered, to my amazement. Yes, I can love another child as much as I love you – only differently.

And although I realize that you may have to share my time, I now know you’ll never share my love. There’s enough of that for both of you – you each have your own supply.

I love you – both. And I thank you both for blessing my life. Author Unknown

Thursday, October 7, 2010

An awe moment

Yesterday when I sneezed Layna says "Bless you mommy."  Awe......just too cute.  Later we were talking about baby Nolan and she called her Uncle Ryan "Auntie Ryan".  Too cute!  She calls our neighbor Pastor Scott, "Pastor Sock" and Hunter is still Hunter boy!  I just can't believe how much she knows and how much she talks.  She says things and I am like " Where did you learn that?."  Most of the time Layna responds with mommy.  I guess she is listening far more than I thought.  Makes you rethink what you are saying and doing in front of her.   I can definitely say that she makes me want to be a better wife, mommy and woman so she will someday be just that! 

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hunter is 6 months old

At a weight of 20 lbs and 28 1/2 inches long he falls into the 75% for weight and >97th% for height......not surprising looking at TJ and I.  I am floored how strong he is.  He is surpassing Layna at his age by leaps and bounds.  He is crawling, rolling, jumping in his jumper, getting out of his bouncy seat, walking/ running in the walker, sitting unassisted and sitting up from a lying position.  He is a freak of nature.  It just goes to show you how two kids can be so very different.  Layna crawled at 9 months and walked at 14.  I think he may walk by 8 just like his father.  He is a lot like him......a bull in a china shop.  I am going to have to keep an extra eye on him because he is already beginning to destroy my house.  That's okay because hes my sweet baby boy that can do no wrong.....for now.....

Monday, September 20, 2010

One of the best, unplanned days.

Today I stayed home from work because my little Hunter was a bit under the weather.  I am so thankful to my family and TJ's family for helping when the kids are sick or when we are sick.  My dad had Layna and I was home with Hunter.  I forgot how wonderful it is to stay at home with a baby.  I enjoyed every moment of this normal day.  I got to enjoy extra snuggle time with Hunter and watch him move around the floor by rocking on his hands and knees and throwing himself forward.  He is a determined little monster.  He is such a happy baby.....almost 6 months old....I cant believe how fast it goes.  I am truly cherishing him as a baby because he is my last and that kinda makes me a little sad.  I want to enjoy both of my children at every age.  It is definitely difficult to do especially when your working full time and your husband works and coaches but I love our life.  I would not want it any other way.  Thank you God for blessing us abundantly!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Here it begins...

the love/ hate relationship between a sister and a brother.  Layna just loves playing with Hunter and playing in Hunter's toys like the walker, exersaucer and jumper.  Apparently those toys are more fun now that they are not hers.  Here is a little video of the beginning of something special.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

School bells.

Well school has begun for all of us except Hunter.  He still gets to live the life of rest and relaxation.  Layna started "school" 3 times a week.  It definitely tires her out.  She tells me about the friends she has and what she does each day, it is so cute!  She loves it!  Apparently she tells them when she has to go to the potty and this is like 20x a day.  Every time I pick her up all the kids are napping and shes on the potty.  She already  knows how to play the system.  The best part of my day is picking her up and having her so excited to see me.  Then we go to pick up Hunter.  The whole ride home Hunter stares at Layna , smiling and laughing at her.  It just melts my heart!  Hunter is trying to move lately...rocking on all fours, he flies in the walker usually chasing Dallas and he stands holding onto me, furniture , anything.  He is getting so big.  He loves to eat real food....already trying to grab the spoon from me.  He will be definitely be eating cheerios soon.  I am so in love with him...he is such a mama's boy....and there is nothing wrong with that.  I hope he always stays a mama's boy!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

What is that in your nose?

After leaving the Chester Fair today, driving up route 9 Layna proceeds to tells me there is a ree, ree in her nose.  A ree, ree means raisin.  Immediately I am in a panic.....I start asking her if she is all right and she just keeps on saying "ouch, ouch".  So I pull over off the next exit and jump out of the car to help her.  First I look up her nose and believe that I see a raisin.  I can't reach it so I tell her to blow into a tissue as hard as she can.  She ends up inhaling instead....lovely....it seems to be lodged deeper.  I take a straw from my smoothie to try to suck it out of her nose.  So here I am sucking a straw with the other end up her nose while she is whining.  Then I ask her again if she put a raisin up her nose and she says    "No, just boogies" and starts laughing.   AWESOME......I just got played by a two year old!

Edited to add that I just found a slimy raisin in her bed....she did have it up her nose!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

All good things must come to an end.

What a summer we had together as a family.  We went on our first family vacation to Block Island.  We spent time in Old Saybrook at my dad's boat and at the beach.  We took a day trip to Mystic which was a huge hit with Layna.  TJ built a deck.  I repainted/ decorated my living room.  Layna started talking like a mad woman, now she won't stop.  She loves the water.....she is definitely a beach bum.  She loves to be outside, playing on the jungle gym, playing at the park or going on walks with mom.  Layna is a trip....the things she says are hilarious!  She is a lot of fun to be around. 

 After a long day at the beach without a nap.

 Hunter has grown so much.  He is reaching for things, moving around on his belly, rocking on all fours, jumping in the jumper and standing when we hold his hands.  Hunter is so laid back......Layna definitely makes up for it!  

 I just love this little man so much!

TJ and I enjoyed our time at Block Island riding waves like we were 10 again!

Me                            TJ

 We are all excited for school to start but a bit sad to see our summer end.  It was so nice spending time as a family. 

At first you don't succeed try, try again....

Hunter's first solids didn't go very well.

Look at that face...its like torture for him. 
It definitely has gotten better. He LOVES food now...just like his daddy!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

God can you hear me?

When Layna goes to bed we pray every night.  I recently have asked her who do you want to pray for.  Tonight she wanted to pray for Ba and Papa, so we prayed for their store and their health.  Then she wanted to pray for Hunter.  Layna: "pray for Hunter walk", apparently she wants Hunter to walk (so cute).  Then we prayed for Na (Laine's cat) and Laine.  I just love how she grabs my hand and closes her eyes tight when we pray.  I am sure God is listening to her little requests and smiling.  Those are the moments when I appreciate her and all those other things that she did to get on my nerves that day are suddenly forgotten.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Isn't vacation suppose to be relaxing?

Wow....I guess that's all I can say about our first family vacation to Block Island.  We went for a whole week which actually felt like a whole month away.  Note to self.....do not go away with an infant and toddler ever again!  The only one who had a blast was Layna.  She loved waking up at 5:30am every morning, yelling for TJ using his name.  She would yell "TJ no sleep."  It was very funny even at 5:30 in the morning.  When she got out of her crib it was pure craziness until bedtime at 7pm.  She was non-stop all vacation long.  Layna loved the water....wanted to do everything herself like float in her tube by herself, ride the waves by herself and go into the water by herself.  Yep at the age of 2, she is super strong willed and knows what she wants.  Here are some pics of her floating around and having a fun in the sand. 

She loved the beach!  It was fun to watch her enjoy it all but TJ and I left exhausted.  I brought a book to read and never opened it because of lack of time.  Poor Hunter just went with the flow. 

Daddy and Layna enjoying the ride home:) Its so good to be home!


Saturday, July 24, 2010

Lobster yum!

Nothing says summer like lobster.   Layna liked her little pet, so much so that she wouldn't eat any.  She was definitely missing out!

Sibling love

My little man and my beautiful daughter.  I am in awe of how much Layna loves her little brother.  She calls him Hunter boy....its so cute.  She is so helpful most of the time.  She reads to him, helps mommy change him, plays with him even though she has a hard time sharing her baby toys with him.  Apparently everything is "Anna's"  (that is what she calls herself).  Layna  also helps put Hunter's pacifier in his mouth as well as her mouth.  She sings him to sleep at night and gives him kisses before bed and in the morning when she wakes. Layna is a great big sis.  Hunter looks up to her, giggling and smiling when she talks to him and plays with him.  It is wonderful to see the bond already and I know it will only get better.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Tis the season for boating!

Uncle David and Layna swimming in the Connecticut river. Uncle David spent the whole day entertaining Layna. He was so great with her. She may not look happy in this pic but she really was;) She just loves the water.

Poor Hunter can't move in his life jacket.  He is always such a good boy on the water....nice and laid back. He kinda has to be with a wound up sister always around.  I can already see it......Layna and Hunter's relationship is going to be very similar to my brother and I.  Poor Hunter...... Growing up I was very BOSSY and I see a lot of myself in Layna.  My poor little boy....he is in for it and I am sure we are too!  David and I were very close growing up and we are still to this day.   He is such an amazing brother and uncle!  Thanks Uncle David for such a great day!  We love you!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

It may be working!

Potty training boot camp is working!  Its been almost two weeks since we started potty training Layna and she caught on so quickly.  She is officially potty trained...YAY!  She is just too funny with it.  Now she is using the potty excuse when she is suppose to be napping.  She will yell potty over and over until I go into her room.  She will hand me her diaper that she ripped of herself even with duct tape on it and then I get her out of her crib to go to the bathroom.  Its like now she can't go in her diaper when she is napping....lovely.....I created a monster.  I think the 3 hour naps are coming to an end anyway.  She spends her whole nap time looking out her window to see her dad and I hanging out in her pool.  We had to put a garbage bag over her window so she couldn't see out of it.

FYI: her kiddie pool is quite big.....I can just picture what your thinking....TJ sitting in a kiddie pool...LOL. 

Layna is growing up so fast......

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Where are my heels?

Why is it everytime I get the camera out to take a picture like of this flashdance outfit, Layna has to go put on her heels?  I don't know where she gets it from.  The other day I wanted to take a picture of her in her new bathingsuit and she put her heels on.  Who does that?

Friday, July 9, 2010

What a happy boy!

Hunter is such a happy boy when his sister isn't taking all the attention!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

5 years and 2 kids later.....

TJ and I just celebrated our 5 year anniversary on June 25, 2010.  I can't believe how fast it went by and how grateful we are that we are very happy and have two beautiful children.  We celebrated our anniversary by going out to dinner, just the two of us, which was so nice and our gift to each other would be this deck that we are building for our family or should I say that TJ is building.  I can't wait to enjoy sitting out there using our large kiddie pool (yes, you can find TJ and I sitting in it when the kids are napping), watching the kids play in our backyard and enjoying the evening dinners together.   I personally can not wait to roast marshmallows and teach the kids how to make smores. 

Our life has been a whirlwind.  Some milestones in our marriage have come and gone so fast.  Layna was born over two years ago and now we are in the midst of the "sassy two's" (that's a little nicer then terrible 2's) and potty training boot camp.  My precious son was born 3 months ago and has been a dream ever since.  He keeps us and his sister entertained with his smiling and talking.  TJ and I couldn't be happier yet we are absolutely crazier then ever.  I didn't realize how crazy you are when you have children especially two or more.  Don't worry there won't be MORE for us.  We are perfectly content with our two.  Layna is giving us a run for our money already. 

I am starting this blog for my wonderful family.  I do not want to forget these moments I have with them.  I want to remember every milestone and even the small details of my children's lives. 

Tonight I write this after I put the kids down, listening to Layna talk herself to sleep and Hunter trying to talk back to her.  Listening to them together, sharing a bedroom makes me feel so blessed.  They are going to be so close growing up and I am looking forward to every moment of it!