About Me

Why a simple kind of life? Well, thats what my husband and I are trying to instill in our family. We are Christians and living a simple life is what God wants for us. I say trying because that is what we are doing. We need to keep that in the forefront of our minds as we go through all the crazy yet unforgettable days a family of four goes through. Life is very busy with a smart and inquisitive four yearold, active, curious, funny 2 1/2 year old and a new baby. As teachers, we enjoy our summers off with our children spending time at the beach, boating or just in our backyard relaxing. We know what and Who is important in this life, but we also can admit that we do enjoy things that don’t really matter like reality TV, good food and my weakness, shopping. All in all its all about balance and keeping God first.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Layna's Thanksgiving Play

Layna loved being on stage.....singing, dancing, acting.  It was too cute!

                                                                 Layna and Elizabeth

Santa and Stan

It's that time of year again when the elf on the shelf comes out. This is the first year we are actually doing it. I went back and forth about doing the elf on the shelf.  They are already scared of Santa and a creepy elf that watches you is kind of disturbing.  Also I dont want to use the whole Santa thing to scare them into behaving. So we decided to read them the book and go with it. They were super excited and decided to name the elf Stan (don't ask me why). The first morning Layna gets up and says "silly mommy, why did you put Stan there?" Really? So I explained to her that Stan does that himself when he comes back from the North pole every night. She says "Stan can't move, he's fake." There goes that fun.......Stan continues to visit us and Hunter has taken a liking to him.

As for Santa, the only one who isn't afraid is Cade. Layna hates people in costumes. She calls them mascots. I think my bright idea on her first birthday scarred her. Haha.
                                                                  Yep...that might be it

So every time she sees Santa she freaks. She also doesn't want him coming into the house on Christmas. Awesome. Hunter likes Santa from afar....probably because of Laynas reaction to him. Hope next year is a little different. So we ended up telling Layna that Santa is Jesus's helper to get gifts to all the little boys and girls in the world. Hope she rolls with that.

                                       Santa with TJ, Hunter and Ava (my friend's daughter)
                                                 Hunter is keeping a close eye on Santa

                                                Layna with Papa far far away from Santa

                                         Just the 4 of us since Layna would not come with us

                                              Cade with Santa for his first Christmas

The Bialek family with Santa at Uncle Jerry and Aunt Jackies

Welcome to the world, Cade Francis Bialek

Our son, Cade Francis was born on 10/12/12 at 5:45am. It was the hardest labor and delivery of them all because I went through 2days of labor and then in my first ceserian on day 3. It was a very difficult initial recovery but with the help from my wonderful husband, I was able to get through it and recover quickly.

Cade is beautiful. He is such an easy baby. He loves to be held, cuddled, talked to and smiled at. Cade is extremely interactive for being so young. He began communicating by cooing and smiling early on. I think between the chaos in the house, he is just happy when someone talks to him or plays with him....he is super laid back. The kids love holding and playing with him. Layna is such a great big sister....a huge help to me. Hunter loves his little brother too. He loves giving Cade hugs and kisses. He shows him his toys and reads books to him. It will be awesome to see them interact and become best buds as Cade grows.

We feel complete as a family.  God has blessed us with 3 healthy children.  

Layna's first day of pre-school year 4

What a whirlwind of events the past 6 months have been. After the summer went by I started work and being 8 months pregnant, working and keeping up with two little ones have kept me from posting.

Layna loves school this year. She is learning many things like her letters, reading simple words, learning new songs and new games and making new friends. It's is so sweet to see her interact with her friends at school. They are adorable. I can't get over how big Layna is getting. She already tells me how to do things. She also is the little mommy of our family and her friends. She loves taking care of the little ones at school and at home. Layna is thriving and growing into such an amazing little girl. I'm so proud to be her mommy.